Monday, August 19, 2013

Delicious Sesame & Nut Free Hummus!

You'd think that having the entire family avoid all the things Lukas is allergic to would be stressful, but serving something he's allergic to is actually way more stressful.  Who has touched it?  What surfaces has it migrated to?  Where do we need to clean?  Sometimes eating allergens means washing hands, mouth, changing clothes, and even brushing my teeth. This is the reason we haven't had hummus in the house in a long time, and I have really missed this healthy tasty snack!

I finally surfed up a few sesame free recipes but I doubted whether they'd be any good.  The last time I tried to make hummus (with tahini) was years ago and it was NOT good, so I really didn't have much motivation to try.

After making chickpea chocolate chip cookies, I've fallen in love with chickpeas again.  Not only are they packed full of nutrition, but they have a delicious creamy texture that can be used for both savory and sweet treats!  It was this newfound infatuation and some pre-dinner munchies that finally spurred me to make one of the 4 sesame free recipes I've been sitting on for weeks now.

My little one had fun helping me put this recipe together in the food processor.  I was shocked to taste this homemade sesame free hummus - it was actually great!  I put in just the right amount of garlic to give it a slightly spicy aftertaste which unfortunately resulted in Lukas fanning his mouth after a bite.  

For me though, this hummus was REALLY good. Not just "good for an allergen free recipe", but really good. I no longer believe that tahini is crucial to hummus.  And, I can eat it without worry of spreading allergens everywhere!

1 can chickpeas, drain and set aside the liquid
1 lemon squeezed
2 cloves of garlic (perfect for the adults, but too much for kids)
1/4 cup high quality extra virgin olive oil
2 tbs creamy sunflower seed butter
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt

Put all ingredients except for olive oil in a food processor and blend until smooth.  If mixture is lumpy or thick, you can gradually add the reserved liquid until you get a smooth and thick puree.  I used very little.

With the processor running, slowly add in the olive oil.  Let the it run for another 3 minutes.  Enjoy with pretzels, pita, or sweet potato chips!

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